Beach Glass Solar Lights
Beach glass solar lights come with either a single light or multiple lights called Angle Tears your choice. These pints and quarts are sand blasted on the outside to help diffuse the light. We put tumbled beach glass in the bottom to enhance the beauty of the piece and diffuse the light even more. The tumbled beach glass is made out of recycled glass that is tumbled to smooth the edges just like ones coming off the beach. Beach Glass Solar Lights come with a wire hanger that is easily removed if needed. The tumbled beach glass not only adds to the beauty but the function as well. It provides needed weight to keep it from moving off anything it is hung upon or from moving off your picnic table / deck in the wind. The solar lights can be used in a sunny window during the winter time and will recharge if the sun is strong enough. You can choose from various patterns with them each being unique to that piece. No two beach glass solar lights are exactly the same You have frosted, Minnesota decals, bear decal and stars to choose from. Hopefully more will be offered soon such as Moose and Loon. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Customers have used the Beach Glass Solar Lights on hangers in their gardens and along their driveway. They are also being used on Minnesota campers as a sign of where they come from when they hang them on their campers after they have parked for the night. They can be hung almost anywhere from your dock to your deck. You can set them on your picnic table to use them as a night light in your bathroom. The use for them is endless.
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